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Dara Marks Marino

Dara Marks Marino

Dara has lived in Flagstaff since the summer of 2000. She moved here to be a professional mountain bike racer and stayed because of the community, mountains, and access to the outdoors. In 2016 she earned a Masters degree from NAU in Climate Science and Solutions and since then has worked and volunteered in many areas related to climate, environmental justice, air quality, energy, waste, and water conservation. Dara was a driving force behind the 2019 Climate Strike, the Climate Emergency Declaration, and the elevation of Flagstaff’s climate goals to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. She currently works for the nonprofit WattTime, an organization that makes it possible for everyone to reduce the emissions caused from electricity usage. Dara supports F3’s work on the cross-cutting issues of environment, social equity, housing, and land use planning and how these issues impact all of Flagstaff’s residents and visitors and, by extension, our larger world community. Dara likes to spend as much time as possible with her daughter and husband exploring northern Arizona by bike, boat, and foot.