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Communications #3

Dear Friends,

Our current state of affairs is an ongoing challenge for all of us in many ways.  While Covid-19 is still having a heavy effect on our families, friends, and communities, we nonetheless need to remain alert to things that have an impact on community development.

This issue focuses on two opportunities to become informed and provide input into significant development projects: The City’s Southside Plan and the Mountain Line Downtown Connection Center. 

Southside Plan

After several years of community participation, the Southside Community Plan, which will define how the Southside will develop for years to come, is almost ready for adoption. Go to to read. Go to Flagstaff Community Forum at to ask questions.

To participate in the following public hearings, go to

The public hearings schedule is as follows:

  • Planning and Zoning Commission, Hearing #1 – Wednesday, July 8 and 22, 2020, 4pm
  • City Council Work Session – Tuesday, August 25, 2020, 3pm
  • City Council Hearing – Tuesday, September 1, 2020, 3pm

Mountain Line Downtown Connection Center

Mountain Line is developing a new Downtown Connection Center (DCC) on Phoenix Avenue, between Milton and Beaver Street, with the goal for it to be a multi-modal hub and community asset.  We encourage you to think of this as a civic and cultural resource, as well as a functional site for public transportation.

To view the background on this, go to:
To view survey results, go to:
To send comments, go to:

~The Board of Friends of Flagstaff’s Future 

Local Efforts: Things to Know and Share

Flagstaff 2020: A Clear Vision
F3 played an important role in the creation of Flagstaff’s Vision 2020.  This online exhibit, curated by NAU student, Marley Oakes, commemorates a community visioning process which took place in 1996-1997.  On Thursday, July 2, at 4pm, you can view this exhibit at: Flagstaff 2020: A Clear Vision. If you miss this, it will be available later on the city webpage.

Coconino Community College Virtual Fourth of July Parade
Check out F3’s float in the parade that can be viewed on Saturday, July 4 at 10am here:

Primary Election Dates
Deadlines for the August 4, 2020 Primary Election:

July 6 Voter registration deadline
July 8 Early voting begins/early ballots mailed
July 24 Last day to request an early ballot to be mailed

You can still catch Flagstaff’s Juneteenth Celebration by way of this video:

Community Garden
If you’re interested in planting your own veggie, herb or flower garden, but don’t have the space, our Flagstaff community offers you the opportunity to rent a garden plot through Terra Birds. Click on the link below for more information.

To attend City Council meetings virtually:
To attend Coconino County meetings virtually: or call 928-679-7144.
To access City Commissions including Open Space, Sustainability, Planning and Zoning:

Each issue of Friends of Flagstaff’s Future Communication will attempt to focus on just a few of the many current topics within our mission. Our City grows one little step at a time. Whether we preserve our history, plan for open space, become a City that treasures all of our citizens, or become a model of a Mountain Town, will depend on all of us being informed and participating when and where we can.

For more information about F3 and how to join our efforts, check out our website:

Correction (July 7)

Dear Friends,

We are adding two small corrections to the links for the Southside Plan and related public hearings.

Southside Plan

After several years of community participation, the Southside Community Plan, which will define how the Southside will develop for years to come, is almost ready for adoption. Go to [updated] to read. 

To participate in the public forum, please visit:

For public hearing information [updated], please visit:

The public hearings schedule is as follows:

  • Planning and Zoning Commission, Hearing #1 – Wednesday, July 8 and 22, 2020, 4pm
  • City Council Work Session – Tuesday, August 25, 2020, 3pm
  • City Council Hearing – Tuesday, September 1, 2020, 3pm

~The Board of Friends of Flagstaff’s Future