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Communication #14

Dear Friends of F3,

As we look back at the many events of 2020, I am reminded of the importance of participatory action. At both the national and local levels, we made our voices heard about issues of importance this past year, from the presidential campaign, to the BLM movement, to the need for Flagstaff to declare a climate emergency.
These Communications from F3 are designed to make it easier for you to participate in our community. They provide an easily accessible way for you to track what’s going on in Flagstaff and to participate in the discussions and local decisions that affect you. Join us and help make 2021 a year of joyful participation in our Flagstaff community. Happy New Year! 

Community Stakeholder Committee on Reclaimed Water: In October 2021, a Stakeholder Committee was formed to study water strategies for using the City’s reclaimed water. The group is made up of 13 citizen volunteers with a background and/or interest in water management. F3 board member Marilyn Weissman is a member and is representing our organization.

Background: The City is concerned that Flagstaff’s water supply meets future needs. The guiding question is: what is the best and highest use of reclaimed water? This question is being asked as a result of multiple interconnected issues including population growth, the predicted effects of climate change, and the cost of water from other sources such as Red Gap Ranch. The Stakeholder Committee will look at potential uses for this water and determine how these uses comply with important values including safety and health. The issues we are following are: health and safety of reclaimed water, the relationship of reclaimed water to Flagstaff growth, sustainability into the future, and equity issues, among others.

What You Can Do: F3 is reading the book Troubled Water: What’s Wrong the the Water We Drink by Seth M. Siegal (2019). The book shows how drinking water in areas across the country has been contaminated, and what we can do to make it safe. We recommend this book and F3 is purchasing 5 copies that will be available for our members to borrow. The book is also available at various local and online locations. If interested, please contact Board member Marilyn Weissman at

F3 Community Forum on the Climate Emergency Plan: In partnership with the City Sustainability Program, F3 will be holding a community discussion about implementing Flagstaff’s Climate Emergency Declaration (June 2020) and updating its Climate Action and Adaptation Plan to achieve community-wide carbon neutrality by the year 2030. 


Keep an eye out for the Community Forum in January and join us to learn more about how Flagstaff can reach carbon neutrality and provide input into the process of achieving carbon neutrality. The date of the Community Forum will be released soon.


F3 2020 Member Campaign: The strength of F3 is its members and we depend upon your participation. We’re a grassroots nonprofit with a mission to achieve a sustainable, just, and thriving Flagstaff through community education, engagement, and advocacy. We focus on these areas:

  • Land Use & the Built Environment
  • Open Space, Public Spaces, & Viewsheds
  • Climate Change Adaptation & Resilience
  • Affordability
  • Local Resilient & Equitable Economy
  • Water and Natural Resources
  • Transportation
  • Civic Engagement

Are you a member of F3 yet? Have you renewed your membership? JOIN F3 for as little as $25.

Michele James

Executive Director, Friends of Flagstaff’s Future