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Communication #12

Dear Friends of F3,

I’m excited to join F3, an organization with a long (25 years!) and positive history of advocacy in Flagstaff. I look forward to revitalizing the organization’s tradition of working closely with the city, county and community to guide Flagstaff’s development in a way that maintains the city’s livability and beauty.
While I grew up in the Midwest, Flagstaff was the first place that felt like home. Over my 25 years here, I have explored the mountains, canyons, rivers and mesas that surround our city. I’ve walked and biked miles of the FUTS trails around the city, tended the gardens at Willow Bend and searched for bargains at the ReStore on 4th Street. I’ve walked around the lakes in Country Club, skied at Buffalo Park, and listened to the spring frogs on McMillan Mesa. I’ve monitored my son during the First Friday Artwalk as he busked on San Francisco Street with his violin on those nights that weren’t too cold. Like you, I want to see all parts of our town stabilize from the economic and social effects of this global pandemic so that we can all once again fully participate in our community.
I have spent much of my life in Flagstaff working to protect sensitive species in the forests, creeks and grasslands of Northern Arizona. More recently I have taught first year college students at NAU.  I’ve encouraged them to visualize and work toward a future that is better.
There are a lot of important issues facing us and likely some difficult debates about what we treasure in Flagstaff. From rezoning to bike trails, new development to implementation of the City’s Climate Action and Adaptability Plan, I will do my best to understand the issues, share what I learn, and give voice to the values and concerns of F3. Vibrant community doesn’t happen on its own. It requires hard work and attention, and most importantly, care for each other. I look forward to working with you!

I can be reached at

Michele James
Executive Director, Friends of Flagstaff’s Future


City Meetings: Agenda Items of Interest

City Council Work Session, Nov. 10, 3:00 p.m. Link to agenda

  • “Discuss strategies that would recognize the true cost of carbon associated with transportation in Flagstaff and looking at options to offset that true cost in some fashion.”
  • “Presentation and Recommendations regarding additional CDBG-CV (Community Development Block Grant funding for prevention, preparation and response to Coronavirus).”
  • “Housing Presentation to City Council on the impact of COVID-19 on Flagstaff’s most vulnerable community members.”  

City Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, Nov. 12, 4:00 p.m. Link to agenda

  • Preliminary plat approval for the Estates at Pine Canyon Pine Bluff.

City Council Regular Meeting, Nov. 17, 3:00 p.m. Link to draft agenda

  • An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Flagstaff, changing the name of Agassiz Street. 

Local Efforts: Good Information to Have and to Share
The Mountain Line Commuter Vanshare Program:
A transportation option for commuters who travel more than 20 miles on a regular basis.

The Rio de Flag Flood Control Project Virtual Meeting Room with Project Renderings:

Calendar of Events

“Understanding our Changing Watershed,” A Panel Discussion About The Rio de Flag
November 10, 5:30-7:00 p.m.

Via Zoom. More information here.   Register here

Native American Heritage Month Community Speaker: Rose Toehe
City of Flagstaff Coordinator or Indigenous Initiatives

November 16, 5:30 p.m.  Meeting ID: 831 3611 8869.    Password: NAHM20

“Indigenous Community Cultural Center in Flagstaff”
November 23, 3-4:30 p.m.  Via (link)
Register by 11/22 @
Meeting ID: 880 2316 2168 or dial in by phone: 877-853-5247   Password: 221901
Questions/info: or call 928-679-7135.

“Diverse Perspectives About Thanksgiving:  A Community Conversation
November 24, 4:30 p.m.
Via Microsoft Teams: Click here to join the meeting.
Call in by phone: 1-623-473-9267.    Phone Conference ID: 263 772 507#

General Contact Information:

• To attend City Council meetings virtually:
• To attend Coconino County meetings virtually: or call 928-679-7144.
• To access City Commissions including Open Space, Sustainability, Planning and Zoning: