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Volunteer for F3!

We rely on the community to make our programs
and events successful and we would love your help!

There are Many Ways to Volunteer

Help F3:

  • Volunteer to help at F3 events, assist with office work and table at events.
  • Volunteer to help us identify and apply for grants.
  • Volunteer to help us with fundraising.

Get involved in your government:

    • Attend City Council and Commission meetings and speak up.
      • City Council meetings: It is critical that council members hear from the public – otherwise, they make their decision in a vacuum. And, we promise, the meetings really are fascinating! You can view upcoming Council agendas on the City’s website and watch the council session streaming. Or, sign up for our e-newsletter and we will let you know when there is an upcoming critical issue on the council agenda.
      • Attend City Council retreats.
      • Attend City Commission meetings: Go to the City of Flagstaff Boards & Commissions page to learn about the various commissions and their meeting times.
    • Serve on City Commissions: There are many commissions such as Planning and Zoning and Open Space Commissions which provide an important voice on these issues to City Council
           Go to the City of Flagstaff Boards & Commissions page (and/or Coconino County Boards & Commissions page) to check out vacancies.
              *Note that even if the upcoming vacancy date listed is a year or two in the future, there is a high turnover rate so check back often for openings.

Get involved with your community through Flagstaff’s Neighborhood Associations:

    • La Plaza Vieja Neighborhood Association:
      Meets 2nd Wednesdays at 6:00 pm at 224 S. Kendrick St. (Hope Resource Center)

    • Sunnyside Neighborhood Association:
      Meets: 2nd Thursdays at 6:00pm: 2533 E 7th Ave (Market of Dreams)

    • Southside Neighborhood Association:
      This association also represents the Flagstaff Brannen, Stone Forest, and Pine Knoll areas.
      Meets: 3rd Thursdays at 6:00pm: 203 E. Brannen (Murdoch Center)
      The Southside Community Plan defines how the Southside will develop for years to come.

    • Townsite Neighborhood Association: